Dear Parishioners, from Sister Patricia

Dear Parishioner,
On the first day of the week Cleopas and his companion, both disciples of Jesus left Jerusalem dejected and burdened with heavy hearts. They were consoling one another and asking themselves where was the triumph and jubilation they expected after the past weekend? What could they look forward to now? Jesus joins them and they are startled when he asks why they are so sad? They do not recognize him.  “Have you no knowledge of recent events and the death of Jesus?” They spoke of the disappointment that their expectations were not fulfilled. Jesus rebukes them and proceeds to interpret all Scripture that referred to him. As the day grew long Jesus pretended to move on but the disciples urged Him to
join them at the Town of Emmaus for rest and nourishment. At the table “Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke it and gave it to them.” Their eyes were now opened and Jesus was gone! They recalled how their hearts were burning while he was with them. They hastened back to Jerusalem, anxious to tell their companions the news.
Companions are a wonderful gift and from our earliest days parents would warn us to choose good ones: “Show me your companions and I’ll tell you what you are!” Like the companions on the way to Emmaus we are companions on the journey: when we reverence Christ in the Tabernacle, visit the sick, participate in parish activities and above all at Mass when we share in the breaking of the Bread of Life: the Holy Eucharist. Look around as you leave the church today and greet all your companions.

Sister Patricia